
[How I jumped into Python and JS]

It has been a long, strange journey of a dancer, theatreperson, wannabe-cricketer, some-time singer, hiker, typist, film technician, radio announcer, TV actress, journalist, mother, knitter, writer and now, software developer.

It has been fantastic so far, wending through the many curves, catching the curveballs A lot of it has been fun, some, formidable.

The latest twist in this roller-coaster ride is the one from journalist to developer. I loved being a journalist and I still am one, occasionally. Change has come, though and it is time to apply my thirst for knowledge and challenges to another sector.

Technology has always puzzled me the most. And scared me, witless. I felt I was getting out-of-sync with the world and I had to conquer this tech-fear. Then, I wondered. What is the magic behind the screen on my laptop and phone?The minute I got curious, I knew my next step: software.

Momentum Learning gave me the break I needed. Clinton Dreisbach, assisted by Rebecca Conley put us through the paces for three endless months and ensured that I, along with 15 of my classmates, learnt to program apps.

They and Jessica Mitsch taught us the ropes of learning on the go, as technology changes every day. And to love it. Software, you have arrived in my life!

More on that coding journey here. I will, of course, keep adding to this tale. Do come back and keep in touch!

Interested in: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Drones, API design